Skincare Pre/Post Care
Body + Intimates Facials
Come to appointment with clean, make-up free canvas.
Hydrate pre and post appointment
Avoid use of all AHA, BHA and Retinol cleansers, serums and creams 72 hours pre appointment
Avoid excessive sun exposure, sweating, saunas, steam rooms and swimming for 24 hours post appointment
Follow ALL aftercare instructions and resume use of exfoliating and brightening skincare as directed by licensed skincare practitioner.
Be thorough and forthcoming in your consultation with your therapist.
Avoid use of mechanical exfoliants (i.e. sugar scrubs, loofahs, polishing beads) 72 hours pre appointment
• Consume excessive alcohol 48 hours prior to service
• Excessively touch, irritate serviced areas
• Take excessively hot shower for 24 hours post service
Intimates Chemical Peels + Chemical Resurfacing Treatment
7 Days Prior:
Suspend use of all AHA, BHA and Retinol cleansers, serums and creams
Suspend use of mechanical exfoliants (i.e. sugar scrubs, loofahs, polishing beads)
Ensure service is at least 5 days post sugaring hair removal services, 14 days post antibiotics, lasering and electrolysis. 28 days strongly recommended for lasering and electrolysis
Avoid excessive sun exposure, apply sunscreen to exposed areas. Avoid tanning beds.
Ensure booked service does not coincide with menstruation. Consider booking 7 to 14 days pre menstruation to optimize results and decrease the chance heightened sensitivity/irritation.
48 Hours Prior:
Be thorough and forthcoming in your consultation with your therapist. Alert therapist of any changes in medications, allergens, pregnancy etc.
Moisturize to keep skin supple and hydrated during healing
Follow ALL AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS to-the-letter and resume use of exfoliating and brightening skincare as directed by licensed skincare practitioner.
Apply a cool compress or fan to soothe irritate skin (not water or ice)
Avoid excessive sun exposure, vigorous activity, sweating, saunas, steam rooms and swimming for up to 14 days post treatment
Use SPF 30 or higher
Avoid direct sunlight until skin has healed
Hydrate and avoid excessive inflammatory foods and alcohols during healing
Peel or pick sloughing skin
Resume the following until skin is healed or instructed by your licensed skincare practitioner:
Sugaring hair removal service, lasering or electrolysis
Use of topical or oral acne medications
Use of AHA or BHA cleansers, creams, serums etc.
Use of mechanical exfoliants (i.e. sugar scrubs, loofahs, polishing beads)
Use direct heat sources in treated area (i.e. drying w/ blowdryers). Doing so can cause hyperpigmentation