Skincare FAQ
What is a Vaginal Facial or Vajacial?
Pelvic or Vaginal facials (aka “vajacials/vagacials”) are designed for the intimate areas of the body to address skin conditions such acne, hyperpigmentation/scarring, hormonal skin imbalance, loss of skin vitality and more. At Skin Alchemy 22, these treatments include your favorite facial steps, while creating a customized experience to target your skins unique needs.
Is an Intimates Facial the Same as a Vajacial?
Technically, yes. Intimates facials offer the same customized experience as a vajacial, but are services for every intimate area of the body including: vaginal/pelvic, underarms, inner thighs, buttocks and lower back.
Are Intimates Facials Safe?
Intimates facials at Skin Alchemy 22 are the best plant science can offer without compromising results or the integrity of your skin health. Free consultations are provided to every Skin Alchemy 22 client, and, recommendations made to strengthen and support your skin in preparation for service should it be needed.
Can Pregnant + Breastfeeding Persons Get an Intimates Facial?
Yes! Pregnant and breastfeeding persons can get intimates/pelvic facial or “vajacial” services. Pregnancy, including 4th trimester, effects hormonal balances and is a unique journey for every person. Skin Alchemy 22 therapists are expertly studied and trained to provide pregnancy-supportive treatments. Consult with your doctor and licensed practitioner prior to booking services.
What is a Chemical Peel or Chemical Resurfacing Treatment?
Chemical peels, also known as chemical resurfacing treatments, create acidic skin environments that disrupt the skin cells and tissues environment to trigger the body’s natural skin healing response. This process is often referred to as “creating a wound”. Common types of chemical peels are glycolic, salicylic, lactic, mandelic and kojic; each providing a different effect to aid clients with varying degrees of skin conditions such as cystic or hormonal acne, scarring, keratosis, hyperpigmentation, fine line and wrinkles and more. Peels at Skin Alchemy 22 are derived from chemical compounds of ingredients produced naturally in our earthly environment. Peels are a chemical treatment of varying depths (up to 70% active acid) and often require skin strengthening prior to receipt. It is strongly recommended to have consultations and chemical peels administered by a licensed Skin Practitioner, Esthetic Nurse or Dermatologist.
Are Intimate Chemical Peels or Intimate Chemical Resurfacing Treatments Safe?
Intimates chemical peels at Skin Alchemy 22 are the best plant science can offer without compromising results or the integrity of your skin health. Chemical peels can administered on intimate areas of the body including vaginas/pelvics, buttocks, inner thighs, buttocks and lower backs. Free consultations are REQUIRED for every Skin Alchemy 22 client prior to booking, and, recommendations made to strengthen and support your skin in preparation for service should it be needed.
Are Intimates Facials and Intimates Chemical Peels Painful?
Intimates facials (vajacials) are relaxing and cause minimal to no discomfort. Intimates chemical peels can vary from no discomfort to moderately sensitizing depending upon peel depth. At Skin Alchemy 22 we are equipped with supportive skin soothing products to restore your comfort without compromising your chemical peel results.
Who Should Consider an Intimates Chemical Peel or Intimates Resurfacing Treatment?
Intimates (vaginal/pelvic) chemical peels are customized for every clients unique skincare journey and can be supportive for clients looking to strongly address acne, aging, texture, discoloration and more.
Can Pregnant and Breastfeeding Persons Get a Chemical Peel?
No. Pregnant and breastfeeding persons can not receive a chemical peel. Need an alternative to chemical peels? Check out Skin Alchemy 22’s Intimates Enzymatic Brightening Facial.
Will My Skin Peel from an Intimates Chemical Peel or Intimates Resurfacing Treatment? How Long is Skin Recovery from a Chemical Peel?
Not all intimates chemical peels cause the skin to visibly shed or slough. Chemical peel sloughing varies dependent upon the depth of peel received during service. Chemical peels can remain active within the skin environment for 14 days post treatment, and peeling typically begins 3 days post treatment. See below for post treatment expectations. Remember, everyone’s skin journey is unique; no sloughing does not mean your treatment was ineffective. Always consult with your licensed practitioner and follow all aftercare instructions. Aftercare is an ABSOLUTE when receiving chemical treatments.
Post Chemical Peel Timeline
First Few Hours: some redness, tingling or heat like sensation
24 to 72 Hours: Mild swelling, skin dryness or heat like sensation. Treatment area may appear discolored.
72 Hours to Day 4: Peeling may begin. Spot treated breakout areas may appear darker than normal.
Day 5 + 6: Symptoms begin to subside, some discoloration may still present
Day 7 to 14: Visible new, healthy skin. For more sensitive skin clients, some redness may persist for up to 30 days.
Who Should Not Receive a Chemical Peel?
Peels are a chemical service with contraindications and should not be performed on various conditions. Not sure if you’re an ideal candidate? Consult with your licensed Skin Practitioner, Esthetic Nurse or Dermatologist.
Pregnant + Breastfeeding Persons
Recent Surgery / Open or Active Wounds + Lesions
Eczema/Psoriasis/Other Dermatitis Cond.
Topical + Oral Acne Medications (6 months to 1 year)
Diabetes / Heart Disease (consult doctor)
Botox + Other Fillers (10 days)
Permanent Make-up (6 weeks)
Antibiotics (14 days post usage)
Chemotherapy + Radiation
Past Allergic Response / Hypersensitivity
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
How Many Chemical Peels are Needed to See Results?
We’ve mentioned before, skincare journeys are complex and unique. Most clients will see visible results after one chemical peel. It is often necessary to complete a peel series of at least 4 chemical peels with varied chemical formulations to see significant, long-term changes to your skin’s cell health and habits. Quarterly maintenance peels are also helpful in maintaining results and supporting the skin during seasonal environmental changes.
What are Skincare Alternatives to Chemical Peels?
Enzymes! Did we mention that enzymatic treatments are great, gentle alternatives to chemical peels? Not all skin conditions are not permanent. Working with your licensed skincare practitioner can help to build the skins immunity, strength and tolerance to explore services with higher efficacies such as chemical peels.
What Ingredients Should be Avoided in My Skincare Products?
Ensuring your skincare is formulated without the following ingredients will be of great support to your skin: Parabens | MCI/MIT | formaldehyde | BHA (Butylated hydroxy anisole, not to be confused with Salicylic acid) | phthalates | silicones | hydroquinone | benzyl peroxide | triclosan + triclocarban | sodium lauryl sulfate | coconut oil (as moisturizer on faces, underarms and intimates) | exfoliating beads, pads, sponges and finely ground shells (for face, neck and décolleté) | natural fiber dry brushes and sponges (for body) | cotton, terry, and other natural fiber face cloths (for face and body)